Friday, September 10, 2010

Capture the Flag and Bocce Ball

Our warm-up game this week was capture the flag, which for most of the children is a favorite game to play. Capture the Flag is a great team building and critical thinking game. As a team you need to find a place to hide the flag. Should it be in a "great hiding place", in a "deceptively open area" , or should it be where no one "will think twice"? Who is going to guard the territory, who is going to find the flag, who is going rescue teammates from jail? It is fun to watch the children strategize their plans to capture the flag. They came up with some great ideas. Bocce Ball is one the oldest games know to mankind which became the sport of the sportsman, rulers and famous people through the ages, including the great Italian Renaissance man Galileo. During early times they used coconuts brought back from Africa and later they used hard olive wood to carve out the balls. A set of bocce balls consists of eight large bocce balls and one "Pallino". The object of the game is for one team to get more of their balls to the pallino than the opposing team. This game also takes team work, critical thinking skills, as well as working on depth perception and underhand toss.